Daling Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by Xie Jiarong and Wang Zhi in 1938. The naming section is situated in the vicinity of Daling, Xiwan, Hexian County, Guangxi.
Synonym: (大岭组); Tiangtang Fm is now its first member
Lithology and Thickness
Being divisible into four members in ascending order: First member (corresponding to the “Tiantang Formation”), composed of light-grey, brown and purple siliceous breccias, the upper part of which locally consists of fine clastics, intercalated with coal beds, with a thickness of 40-350 m. Second member, representing grey, grey-black limestone, containing carbonaceous limestone, intercalated with coal beds, its maximum thickness being of about 127 m. Third member, composed of light-grey thick-bedded bio-limestone, calcirudite and lump limestone, with a thickness of 50-120 m. Fourth member, composed of purple ferruginous siltstone, intercalated with fine-grained clastic quartz-sandstone, locally with marl lenses, with its lower part consisting of grey and yellow-green silty mudstones, with an unknown thickness.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It is in an unconformable contact with the underlying Changliangzi Fm
Upper contact
Regionally, the schematic strat column indicates the next younger unit as Shiti Fm
Regional extent
This formation is distributed mainly in the areas of Gongcheng, Fuchuan, Zhongshan and Jiaxian Countries, northeastern Guangxi.
The upper part yields Ostracods and spore-pollen fossils; the second member yields fresh-water-to-brackish-water bivalves, Ostracods, spore-pollen and Chareae fossils; the third member yields fresh-water Ostracod fossils; the fourth member yields bivalves as represented by the Hunanella-Qiyangia assemblage; Ostracods as represented by the Darwinula- Naevicythere assemblage; and spore-pollen fossils as represented by the Classopollis- Chasmatosporites- Klukisporites assemblage.
Depositional setting
Additional Information